About UsWe're a young non-denominational Christian couple with a love for God, cats and memes. That's it really.The idea for this account came from his cat Steve as well as our shared love for cute doodle cat pages and Christian memes. We hope you enjoy the content as much as we enjoy making it!

How To Be SavedThe word "gospel" directly translates to good news!The key to understanding the gospel is to know why it’s good news. To do that, we must start with the bad news. The Old Testament Law was given to Israel during the time of Moses. Sin is anything that falls short of “perfect” according to that standard. The requirements of the Law are so strict that no human being could possibly follow it perfectly. This means we are all in the same spiritual boat. We all have sinned, and the punishment for sin is death (Romans 3:23).In order for us to go to heaven, sin must be removed or paid for. The Law established that cleansing from sin can only happen through the sacrifice of an innocent life (Hebrews 9:22). The gospel involves Jesus’ death on the cross as the sin offering to fulfill the Law. Under the Law, animal sacrifices were offered every year as a reminder of sin and a symbol of the coming sacrifice of Christ (Hebrews 10:3–4).When Christ offered Himself at Calvary, that symbol became a reality. Jesus also resurrected on the third day. “He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification” (Romans 4:25). The fact that Jesus conquered sin and death is good news! The fact that He offers to share that victory with us is the greatest news of all!The gospel is especially good news when we understand that we cannot earn our salvation. Jesus took OUR sin punishment on the cross, meaning the work of redemption has been finished and paid in full by Jesus."For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures," -1 Corinthians 15:3–4ABC's of Salvation:

A- Admit you're a sinner
(Romans 3:23)
B- Believe Jesus is Lord
(Romans 10:9-10)
C- Call upon the name of the Lord
(Romans 10:13)